What does your finacial support provide? Direct support to our Community Outreach programs as outlined on the cover. Below are more details on each of our initiatives.
Veterans Affairs not only includes working with local organizations helping to get them counseling, meals, clothing, and other basic needs. The Chapter is not equipped to do this on our own so we are developing a network of other concerned community volunteer service organizations. The resultant synergy helps us all!
Transitioning from military to civilian life is a stressful and some- times overwhelming process. The military provides a dedicated series of seminars to ease some of those stresses; such as interviewing skills, resume guidance, and job-hunting lessons. However, MOAA Tampa has developed a unique series of sessions that provides additional assistance and guidance presented by Chapter and community involvement.
Veterans Treatment Court is vitally important in keeping veterans involved in the criminal justice system from incarceration and allowing them to have successful lives. It’s a second chance that can pay dividends for the individual and the community at large. While MOAA Tampa does not provide financial support (it is a county court administered program) – we do provide mentors who function within the program to guide the errant veteran from a life of crime, with the potential of an expunged record after successful completionC. It’s a win-win for everybody.
The Chapter Scholarship Program invites high school seniors to submit applications with recommendations to the Chapter to qualify for grants that can be used for college or vocational school expenses. The grants are given annually to the winners of the scholarship, directly to the student.
Your assistance will enable the Chapter to sponsor and support local Guard and Reserve advocacy programs and initiatives.